Sustainability Case Studies


We are committed to creating sustainable communities and developments which are both high-quality and eco-friendly places to live.

Knights Park Case Study

Knights Park, winner of the Eco- Living Award at the Evening Standard New Homes Awards 2019, is a collection of new homes in Eddington, a new district in Cambridge developed by the University of Cambridge which is setting the standards in sustainable living.

Sustainability Athena
Sustainability Agar

Agar Grove Case Study

Agar Grove is a multi-award winning development created for Camden Council as part of their Community Investment Programme. The development will be the largest Passivhaus development in the UK.

Virido Case Study

Virido in Cambridge is a collection of 208 zero-carbon homes created in partnership with Cambridge City Council. To test our sustainable design, we trialled the innovative technologies in a concept house before Virido was constructed.

Sustainability Virido
Sustainability Bioregional

Bioregional Case Study

Our joint venture partnership with Bioregional Homes will embrace their One Planet Living® principles – building homes that are zero carbon, from sustainable materials using modern methods of construction in developments where recycling, food growing and biodiversity are encouraged.

Marleigh Active Homes Case Study

At Marleigh, we are working with the Active Building Centre to support the delivery of five pilot Active Homes.

The pilot homes, which will be located in three 3-bedroom and two 4-bedroom houses in the first phase of the development, will demonstrate the approach with the intention of rolling it our widely in future phases.


